Looking for that next career opportunity? Thinking of starting your own business? Just graduating and worried about how to get started in a down economy? Out of work or thinking of returning to the workforce?
Whether your resume is impressive or non-existent, you can gain real world, resume worthy experience by volunteering and community organizing. If you are out of work, it can be a great way to limit gaps in employment and to keep you skills current or even learn new skills that you can take to that next job interview. If you are entering the work force for the first time or thinking about reentering the job market after a long absence, being able to show real work experience is invaluable to that future employer.
There are hundreds of non-profits and community organizations bowing under the weight of the current economic conditions. The need for qualified and passionate volunteers has never been greater.
Need ideas?
Related articles:
Laid off? Volunteer! Here's how and why
Community organizing never looked so good
Whether your resume is impressive or non-existent, you can gain real world, resume worthy experience by volunteering and community organizing. If you are out of work, it can be a great way to limit gaps in employment and to keep you skills current or even learn new skills that you can take to that next job interview. If you are entering the work force for the first time or thinking about reentering the job market after a long absence, being able to show real work experience is invaluable to that future employer.
There are hundreds of non-profits and community organizations bowing under the weight of the current economic conditions. The need for qualified and passionate volunteers has never been greater.
Need ideas?
- Organize a local park cleanup in celebration of Earth Day
- Call your local United Way for a list of non-profits in your area that might need help organizing upcoming fundraisers or other events.
- Log on one of the many online volunteer opportunity websites such as Volunteers of America, VolunteerMatch or Volunteer.gov (which the government boasts has the most comprehensive listing of opportunities available).
Volunteer.gov search for opportunities links out to Network for Good. A quick search for opportunities within 20 miles of downtown Sacramento, CA rendered over 275 different calls for volunteers. Opportunities run the gamut from administrative assistants and photographers to donation coordinators.
Related articles:
Laid off? Volunteer! Here's how and why
Community organizing never looked so good