Thursday, March 31, 2011

How Do You Know When Its Time for a Business Makeover?


I keep running into business owners who aren’t that happy. Their business is running along, but they aren’t really sure if their marketing and sales efforts are truly paying off. They think they could be doing better but they’re not sure what to do next. Here are 5 tips that tell you it’s time to sharpen up your marketing and sales strategy:

1. You don’t know where you are going.

Do you have a sales forecast for this month, this quarter, this year? If you don’t, then it’s rather like driving your car blindfolded. Without a sales forecast, how do you know where you are headed to, what you are aiming for this year? You can’t know what marketing or sales activities you need to be doing without a goal in mind.

2. You’re not sure who your customer is.

The phone is ringing and you are meeting those orders but the truth is you have no clear idea who your niche markets are or if the marketing dollars you are spending, are working. You just cross your fingers that the phone keeps ringing, but you know deep down in your heart that you aren’t really growing your business the way you want.

3. The market doesn’t know how to find you or what you do.

Your website is okay but not great. You keep thinking you should do some social media but aren’t really sure how to start or what exactly to do. Your marketing materials were done ages ago and you know they could be better. You have some vague ideas on how customers find you, but you haven’t spent a lot of time building word of mouth. You’ve been too busy to ask for testimonials. You don’t have a prospect list built. If I went and asked 10 different customers to tell me about your company, I would get 10 different answers. There is no consistency to your marketing and sales efforts.

4. The competition is gaining on you.

You’ve always done well before, but sales have been slipping lately. The competition is picking up a lot of new business that used to go to you. Customers are talking about them more. Their website and marketing materials look good and you feel like you are eating their dust. You’re worried, but have been too busy to address the issue yet.

5. Your bottom line isn’t showing the numbers you really want to see.

It’s easy to get super busy in the daily stuff of running your business, which can allow you to ignore that little voice that isn’t happy with the number of hours you are putting in working and the money you are making. Truth is, it can be easy to roll along and tell yourself that the economy is tough and you are still in business, so that’s okay. It’s not. Every single business owner out there has a number they want to be making – so why are you settling for less?

We do spring cleaning. We take stock and make resolutions for ourselves in the beginning of a new year. Yet when it comes to our businesses, we keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result! A business makeover allows you to attract new customers, increase your revenues, beat out your competition and make the kind of money you want to. A freshening up of your business is essential to staying successful in this market.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Photography + Design tell the story in this great promo piece

I just ran across a piece on designworklife about a project by Lenlee Represents. Lenlee challenged 4 of her photogaphers to shoot a Vintage Airstream promo. My favorite thing about this entire piece how the graphic design elements shown in the video below come together. Using real people tells a story that graphics alone cannot. Courtney has posted her favorite photoshoot (I agree with her!). Enjoy!!
~ Maven

lenlee represents 2010 self promo from lenlee jenckes on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Failure… a vital part of success

Earlier I today I sent out this tweet:

Words to live by --> "The way to accelerate your success is to double your failure rate." - Tom Watson, Sr., Inventor & Asst to Alexander Graham Bell

As Marcus W. replied on LinkedIn: “How true that is. Failure = Knowledge = Wisdom.“

The search for an appropriate quote was actually inspired by one of my colleagues who said something along the lines of “Anything worth succeeding at is worth failing at” (or something like that, I am sure I don’t have it exactly right but I got the drift!).

Just in case it’s your day to be discouraged, here are some famous examples to keep you going…

  • Author Stephen King received 30 rejections for his book Carrie. He finally just gave up and threw it in the trash. Fortunately his wife pulled it out of the garbage and talked him into submitting it one more time.
  • Heard from one of Beethoven’s music teachers –> "as a composer he is hopeless."
  • Walt Disney was once fired from a newspaper because he "lacked imagination and had no original ideas."
  • Harrison Ford was told by the Vice President of Columbia Pictures that he was never going to make it in the business.
  • Oprah Winfrey was fired from her first television job because she was “unfit for TV.”

Being a classic overachiever, I wonder how fast success can be achieved by tripling my failure rate (Thanks for the encouragement, Ms. CE!!)?? I’ll keep you posted!

Don’t forget all the successes count… feel free to add up all the small ones!  And don’t forget to learn from the failures…

Enjoying ride… Maven