Saturday, October 2, 2010

If the world didn’t suck…

Ok, so 3 months have passed since I posted. I can’t seem to find a cadence that works and when I sit down to write, the cursor blinks…nothing. Sigh.

I have to say I’ve had an insane week. The most insane thing is my daughter getting bit by a rabid bat. I won’t go into the details but write this down…

  1. Bats should not be out in the day.
  2. Normal bats do not land in little girls hair.
  3. If you see a bat in broad daylight, call animal control immediately.
  4. Take a box of chocolates to all doctor appointments for rabies vaccinations (yes, plan on 5 visits).

Remember these rules and everyone will be happier…even the bats who can then concentrate on only coming out when they are supposed to and helping keep down the mosquito population!

This was a reality check in the middle of a chaotic month of change at the office, business travel, non-profit volunteer demands, and more. My daughter’s well being is my #1 priority and the rest can wait (and pile up… which it did and is). View Details

So yes, I feel like I’m on roller skates… going downhill.

After having a mini-panic attack (sorry, hubby), I reach out to a few girlfriends. Having a support structure of friends is not something that I ever thought I had much need for but as I grow wiser over time (no age jokes, please) I have come to appreciate the friends who will just pick up the phone and listen to the rant while making nonsensical soothing noises.

Result? My sense of humor resurfaced (thank goodness!) and perspective was restored… Even the roller skating seems more thrilling. Just gotta roll with it. The piles will grow and shrink but hey, in the context of everything else, they are just piles. Nothing to stress over… maybe pull up a trashcan and just push one or two of them in. Hmmmmm.

I love this quote and it seems so appropriate this week:

“Just remember, if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.”  ~Author Unknown

Heh. That makes me laugh.


1 comment:

Sheri said...

Awesome!!!! I love that quote!