Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What I'm reading… "The Joys of Much Too Much"

I just finished reading the book The Joys of Much Too Much: Go for the Big Life--The Great Career, The Perfect Guy, and Everything Else You've Ever Wanted by Bonnie Fuller.

If you are looking for a checklist or the recipe of exactly what to do, this book isn't for you (in fact, you'll probably hate it). However, if you are looking for inspirations and a few key nuggets, I'd highly recommend this book.

I'm not going to post a spoiler but there were some very interesting takeaways. Bonnie doesn't break her life up into roles… she just treats her life as one big thing. She really advocates keeping and staying very active, ignoring the negative messages and insecurities, not worrying about psycho-analyzing character flaws, etc. There were lots of examples of the importance of networking, tips for everything from interviewing to creating proposals.

It's a very easy read and I found it to be a very interesting view of the life of a woman who simply embraces her whole life 24x7… no excuses, no apologies.

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