Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Maven Reading: Franklin and Eleanor: An Extraordinary Marriage

I am happy to say I got one of my Christmas wishes (thanks to wishzilla.com) and have been enjoying Hazel Rowley’s new book Franklin and Eleanor: An Extraordinary Marriage.

Ms. Rowley explores the 40 years Eleanor and FDR were married and the varying extended relationships that they both seemed to have had. The even more fascinating part of the book for me is the evolution of Eleanor in particular. I must confess that as she’s described in the earlier part of her life, I don’t think I would have had much to do with her. However, her transformation as she embraces her circumstances is nothing short of extraordinary.

Whether or not you agree or disagree with the author’s point of view, this book is well worth a read for history and Roosevelt buffs alike. It highlights many lessons that are applicable in today’s business or political careers. The book also provides an interesting insight into a particularly challenging economic and political issues dealt with by FDR and Eleanor, many of which have obvious parallels to current conditions.

Enjoy and I hope to hear your thoughts!

~ Maven

Here is the link to the Kindle editions for those of you like me who need instant gratification. It’s cheaper too. 

Franklin and Eleanor: An Extraordinary Marriage (Kindle Edition)

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