Thursday, April 1, 2010

ZERO guilt achieved! Days 5 and 6 of the “guilt-free vacation” filled with seahorses and great coastal dining

Days 5 and 6 of my “guilt free vacation” and ZERO guilt achieved! In fact, it was so successful that when we checked out of the hotel this morning I had NO CLUE where my Blackberry was. When I tried to call it, it went straight to voicemail (the battery must be dead… muahahahahaha…. ). Anyway, I did locate it (or at least I saw the corner of it stuffed down inside my bag).

Yesterday (Day 5) we strolled from Old Fisherman’s Wharf down to Cannery Row… grabbed some mediocre breakfast at Austino’s across from the Monterey Bay Aquarium (Cannery Row is sorely lacking in decent dining).

Day 1: Saturday4
Day 2: Sunday3
Day 3: Monday6
Day 4: Tuesday1
Day 5: Wednesday0
Day 6: Thursday0
Day 7: Friday
Day 8: Saturday
Day 9: Sunday
Scale: 0 = no guilt, no work thoughts
10 = high guilt, significant work thoughts

The Aquarium has an amazing seahorse exhibit! I had no idea they came in so many different types.
IMG_0378 IMG_0383 IMG_0381
Later in the evening we snuck out for drinks at Lallapalooza. Then it was off to a late night small plates style dinner and an amazing Williams Salyem 2007 Coastlands Pinot Noir at Passionfish.

Day 6 and time to head home. However, we did manage to sneak in one final stop in Carmel-by-the-Sea for a simply fantastic breakfast at Katy’s Place (cash only at this hotspot, folks) before making it back home in record time.

Now I’m off to a retirement party for one of my favorite non-work people!

Signed,  “Vacationing” Maven

p.s. I think I could get good at this vacationing stuff if I practiced a bit longer!

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