Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 4 and we are down to a 1 on the guilt-free vacation scale

Day 4 of my “guilt free vacation” and I only did one guilty thing. I plugged my Blackberry in after noticing that the battery had died to the point of the radio being off. Ok, and a snuck a look at my inbox but I didn’t reply to anything (at least I don’t think I did…so maybe that should earn me a 2 instead of a 1 but since I’m the judge, I get to pick the score!).

We had a fantastic day! Whale watching was a success and we were in the middle of a huge pod of 500-900 pacific white sided dolphins before we headed off to see a couple of grey whales. The grey whales were being harassed by a bunch of dolphins who were trying to get them to start swimming so they could go along for a joy ride. Not something you can see if you are working!

Day 1: Saturday 4
Day 2: Sunday 3
Day 3: Monday 6
Day 4: Tuesday 1
Day 5: Wednesday  
Day 6: Thursday  
Day 7: Friday  
Day 8: Saturday  
Day 9: Sunday  
Scale: 0 = no guilt, no work thoughts
10 = high guilt, significant work thoughts

After squeezing in lunch, a nap (who gets a nap on a normal day??), shopping and a birthday cake for my other half, we abandoned the kids to the in-laws and had a nice dinner out at Montrio.

One more day to go in lovely Monterey…

Signed,  “Vacationing” Maven

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